
Privacy Policy

Hawaii Pools

At Hawaii Pools, your privacy is our top priority. We are committed to safeguarding and protecting the personal information of our users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your data. We understand the importance of privacy and take all necessary steps to secure your information. Please read this policy to learn how we handle your data.

Information We Collect

We may gather and process different types of information, including:

  1. Information You Provide: This includes data you share when filling out forms on our website, such as when you register, subscribe to our services, post content, or request additional services. We may also collect information when you enter competitions or promotions or report issues with our site. Additionally, personal identifiers such as your email address, name, telephone number, and postal address may be recorded to better serve your needs and improve our services.
  2. Communication Records: If you contact us, we may keep records of our correspondence, including emails, phone calls, chat messages, and other communication forms. These records help us provide better customer support and address any concerns or queries you may have more effectively.
  3. Survey Participation: Occasionally, we may invite you to complete surveys for research purposes. Participation is entirely voluntary, and the feedback you provide will be used to enhance our services and better understand our customer base. Your responses may be anonymized or aggregated to maintain your privacy.
  4. Transaction Details: We collect information about transactions you make through our site, including payment method, billing information, and transaction history. This data helps us ensure the fulfillment of your orders and may be used to offer personalized recommendations and promotions based on your purchasing behavior.
  5. Site Visits: We gather details about your visits to our site, including traffic data, location data, and communication information. This information is primarily used for billing and other operational purposes but also helps us analyze site usage patterns, improve user experience, and tailor content to meet the interests of our visitors. We may utilize cookies and other tracking technologies to collect this data.

By understanding and processing these various types of information, we aim to provide a more personalized, efficient, and satisfactory experience for all our users.


We utilize cookies to differentiate you from other users, enrich your browsing experience, and enhance our website. Cookies enable us to understand your preferences, customize content to your interests, and monitor your interactions with our site. For more information about the cookies used by us, their purposes, and how they enhance your experience, please refer to our cookie information section.

IP Addresses

Hawaii Pools may collect your devices information, including your operating system, IP address, and browser type, to ensure efficient system administration and provide aggregate information to our advertisers. This data, which helps us understand user behavior and improve our services, is usually statistical in nature and does not personally identify you. For example, knowing the types of browsers our customers use can help us enhance website compatibility and user experience. Rest assured, your personal privacy is always a priority, and this information is used strictly for improving our services and supporting our advertisers.

Data Storage

Your personal information may be transferred, stored, and processed internationally in accordance with this policy. This means your data could reside on servers located in multiple countries, each with its own data protection regulations. By submitting your data, you consent to these arrangements, acknowledging the potential cross-border data flow.

Although we implement various security measures, such as encryption and secure access protocols, to protect your information, please be aware that data transmission over the internet is not entirely secure. Despite our efforts to safeguard your data, we cannot guarantee the security of data sent to our site. Any transmission is at your own risk.

Upon receiving your information, we enforce strict procedures and security features, including regular security audits and access controls, to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of your personal information.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information collected about you in the following ways:

  1. To ensure our site’s content is optimized for you and your device.
  2. To provide you with products, services, or information you request or that we think may interest you, provided you have agreed to be contacted for such purposes.
  3. To fulfill our contractual obligations to you.
  4. To enable your participation in interactive features of our service, if you choose to do so.
  5. To notify you about changes to our services.

Sharing Your Information

We may share your personal information with:

  1. Our group companies, including subsidiaries and the main holding company and its subsidiaries.
  2. Third-party service providers working on our behalf, such as data processors and mailing houses.
  3. Our business partners.
  4. Potential buyers or sellers in the event of a business transaction involving our assets or shares.
  5. Legal authorities, to comply with legal obligations or protect the rights, property, or safety of Hawaii Pools, our customers, or others. This includes sharing information for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
  6. Government departments, police, or law enforcement agencies if required by law.

Policy Updates

We may update or change our Privacy Policy from on occasion to reflect changes in our company practices or for other legal, operational, or regulatory requirements. Please check it regularly for any changes, as your continued use of our services indicates your acceptance of any modifications.

Contact Us

For feedback, inquiries, or requests about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information available on the Hawaii Pools website.

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